Five-Flower Formula flower essence

Spray - $32.00
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A combination of five English flower essences first developed by Dr. Edward Bach, promoting calm and balance in diverse situations of stress, emergency, and trauma.

The Five-Flower Formula™ is praised throughout the world by health practitioners and lay persons. The formula of five different flower essences was developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s through his own practice and observation. Over the years it has come to be regarded as a “rescue” combination for its remarkable ability to address emergency and crisis conditions.

Prepared in rural England by renowned teacher and naturalist, Julian Barnard of Healingherbs, Ltd., the formula is made according to the original directions of Dr. Bach.

Energetically supports:

  • Emergency or Crisis — Calms mental levels of pain, suffering, and confusion – use for the person who is suffering as well as those who are helping.
  • Recovery from Trauma — Promotes recovery from trauma, injury or illness, by relieving stress, anxiety and tension.
  • Baseline Remedy for All Healing — Stabilizes and calms the mind-body interface, before addressing specific emotions and behavior patterns.
  • Calms Children — Use after household accidents, falls, scrapes, or burns, used along with appropriate physical care.
  • Aids Animals — To pacify wild or trapped animals, or to help any injured or stressed pet, or when transporting any animal.
  • Plant Protection — Use whenever transplanting to reduce shock, or in vases of cut flowers.
  • Prevention — Use before known stressful situations such as visits to the dentist, preparation for surgery, labor and delivery, travel or moving.
  • Post-Trauma — Use for post-traumatic stress of any kind, including surgery, war, rape, natural disaster, or loss of one’s loved ones or home. 


Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem preserved in organic grape alcohol 


“I was working one day in my herb store when my three year-old daughter decided to throw a temper tantrum. Casually, with my customers watching, I placed a couple of drops of Five Flower Formula into the palm of my hands and rubbed this on the top of my daughter’s head. Instantly, my daughter wanted to be picked up and she laid her head down on my shoulder without uttering a word. Her tantrum stopped immediately.”  Lynda Baker - Long Beach, MS                     

"I wanted to comment on my use of the Five-Flower Formula: I was diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bi-Polar Disorder two years ago. I refused to use drugs and in turn, went to a naturalist who suggested this formula. I disagree with your website’s comment about using it only for shock and trauma; this formula has balanced my life after many years of struggling. I can focus, sleep, and I feel some sort of normalcy after many years on a roller coaster. I am thankful for this product, as is my family." A.B. - Comstock Park, MI

"At a recent health conference, we did kinesiology testing at our booth. We decided to test people to see the difference in how people respond to Bach's Rescue Remedy vs. the Healing Herbs Five-Flower Formula. Wow, I could not believe the difference in people's response. I had frequently heard that the Five-Flower Formula was more powerful for emotional healing and now we can see it by testing people!"  Susan Bastarrica - New York, NY                 

“I have used the Five-Flower Formula with great success with an abused cat who had an absolute terror of car trips. He went from being an absolutely terrified screaming cat to almost completely calm within 30 seconds of administration. I've also used Five-Flower Formula in many tragic situations (deaths, etc.) and noted a profound grounding and centering effect on myself and others.”  S. Hasler, co-owner, Living Earth Herbs - Eugene, OR           

Directions: Pump three sprays in the mouth or mist around the head.

1 ounce spray or dropper

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