Activ-8 flower essence

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Eight flowers to empower positive Purpose and Passion.


  • Use at the outset of any new project or work endeavor to facilitate a “seedfire” of positive alchemical forces and new directions
  • When the soul’s ability for positive manifestation is routinely hampered by hesitation, apathy or procrastination
  • To catalyze the general expression of positive yang or masculine fire forces (for both men and women)
  • When needing to assume an affirmative leadership role in family, community or work situations, especially if there is doubt or hesitation about such a role
  • To help sustain or renew one’s energetic commitment to a project or task, when beset by delays, obstacles or opposition


    • Blackberry – Stimulating the will to act upon the mind’s goals and intentions; counteracting lethargy and procrastination
    • Cayenne – A flame-like catalyst that sparks sluggish metabolism
    • Red Penstemon – Encouraging greater determination and tenacity when encountering obstacles or challenges
    • Red Larkspur – Infusing the soul with forces of charisma and leadership that radiate into the will and physical body
    • Sunflower – Positive self-awareness that shines out into the world
    • Madia – Ability to focus and channel light forces for awake expression in the world
    • Dandelion – Assisting the will toward sustained manifestation without burn-out or excessive tension
    • Blazing Star – Allowing the interior foundation of feminine receptivity to provide support and balance for outer action in the world
    • Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Cardamon
    • Organic grape alcohol 


    "I've been taking the Activ-8 Flourish formula for the last two months and have gotten so much done! Writing projects I've put off, business matters, etc. I've been incredibly productive, and it's also helped me survive and thrive during a “Saturn to my Sun” transit. I've recommended it and the other Flourish formulas to so many people. I really like these and think they are a great idea!” Fern Feto Spring - Fairfax, CA

    Directions: Pump three sprays in the mouth or mist around the head. 

    1 ounce spray 


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