Each time I release a batch of crystals, I choose the ones that resonate with the energies that have been surfacing in the world, crystals that support the healing especially needed at this period of time.

Each time I release a batch of crystals, I choose the ones that resonate with the energies that have been surfacing in the world, crystals that support the healing especially needed at this period of time.

What the crystals are telling me is that in this era of continued drama, there are those who have a greater capacity to hold space for healing. While most of the world operates at the lower frequencies of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, and anger, there are others who are serving as channels for Divine Energy and facilitate the higher vibrations of neutrality, acceptance, love, and joy to be more present in the world. Those who can hold these frequencies then create pathways and more space for those who have been operating in lower vibrations to move into higher, more healing ones.

We have been living through years of chaos and mayhem brought about by natural disasters and political upheaval, both hastened by human folly. While things seem dire, on a metaphysical level, all the dramatic experiences we have been going through are actually expressions of the early stages of healing. The crystals are telling me we are still in the process of unearthing more deeply suppressed energies, energies that have been compounded over the ages due to the a very long legacy of unbalanced and toxic masculinity. As much as we desire more peace and stability at this moment, we need to be patient. There is still much more buried energy that need to be fully surfaced and recognized before it can be healed.

Those who are familiar with the healing process know-- things will appear to get worse before they get better. So as tragic as things have been, all the dramatic events we have been experiencing and witnessing worldwide are actually signs that we are in the process of healing.


The crystals that are resonating most with holding higher frequency space needed for healing are the crystals of the crown chakra, particularly the ones that are specifically about connecting and channeling Divine Energy down into the physical reality. For those of you who are called to be in service to humanity, I am offering crystals especially resonant with the energies the world needs at this time. Many of these crystals are quite rare and have not asked to be presented until now. Therefore, if you are someone who feels that part of your purpose is to help the world, consider these crystals allies for your work. You don’t have to formally identify yourself as a “healer”. The crystals simply want to work with those who hold deep empathy and compassion for others.

It’s very important to remember that while you are working with these crown chakra stones that you also work with hematite. While crown chakra stones can open you up to more Divine Energy and wisdom, the purpose of channeling these energies is to bring them into the physical world where their energy is most needed. Hematite, resonating so strongly with Mother Earth’s root chakra, acts as an energetic counter weight, directing the crown chakra energy into the physical plane. Thus, by working with hematite you can exponentially increase the effectiveness of the crown chakra crystals you are working with. Otherwise, the crown chakra energies will be amplified without being brought down and connected to physical world where they are most needed.

As crazy as things have been, it is no mistake that many of us spiritually connected beings are here to facilitate and witness the evolution of mankind.

Following are the crystals that have asked to be connected to you:


The largest crystals in the world are found in a cave known as Cueva de los Cristales, or the Cave of Crystals in Chihuahua, Mexico. In this cave, the selenite crystals are over 30 feet long and a half a million years old.

NAICA SELENITE comes from the same mine that contains the Cave of the Crystals and holds a hologram of the energy of which these largest crystals in the world represent. Not only does this form of selenite intensify white light energies coming through the crown chakra increasing claircognizance and spiritual energy, it also brings energy specific to lightworkers and energy healers for the continuing ascension process. It allows these workers with the specific task of grounding more white light energy to help shift the energy so that it may benefit in healing the world.

These crystals have the most potent selenite energy I have ever experienced.

This type of selenite is ideal for those of you who are working in service for the world and would be best utilized in altars where they can distribute their energy to other crystals and items of spiritual healing, as well as being the focal point of meditation and other energies of service.

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Another kind of selenite to consider working with are SELENITE SLABS. Their energy is less concentrated than the Naica Selenites, but their crown chakra Divine Light connecting energy is still valuable to support you and your healing work. And because of their natural flatness, they make excellent altar crystals that can both cleanse and charge any stone placed upon them.

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Duringcrystal healing sessions, many clients begin having third eye visionsof colors and shapes. But if they have difficulty seeing anything morespecific than blobs of color I’ll turn to apophyllite to assist themwith clarifying their visions.

Apophyllite acts as a "magnification"device to make visions sharper. It helps one zoom into visions as if amicroscope was being used, or conversely zooming in from far away as ifyou were using a telescope.

Thesecrystals can also be used in healing work to get clairvoyant insight onworld events, as well as information about events from the past and thefuture. They can also help one access information located in thespiritual dimensions, adding another layer of understanding to whateversubject you are interested in getting deeper insight into.

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If you are seeking a crystal to enhance your visions, then this would be a truly valuable stone to work with.

Whileapophyllite helps people “see” a specific detail, ulexite has more of a“watercolor memory” like effect. Like recalling a memory where thethere’s a softness to the details in the image, ulexite helps one to seea “scene” rather than one sharp detail like apophyllite.

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Unlike most celestites, these specimens are an uncommon shade of white. Like their blue cousins, these white celestites also resonate with communication and receiving advice from helpful beings, angels, and other loved ones that are on the other side.

While blue celestite enhances clairaudience, WHITE CELESTITE enhances claircognizance. You will simply “know” that you have been given help or support from the other side.

So if you are seeking to develop your claircognizance and/or wish to know the messages that your angels, spirit guides, and other higher beings are trying to communicate with you, then these crystals can support you to connect with this resonance of information.

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In addition to its tabular (flatish) formation, one of the distinguishing characteristics of FADEN QUARTZ is the seam that runs through the middle of the crystals. This is caused by the crystal growing in host rock that slowly widens separating the quartz along its seam. The crystal begins to pull apart, but then heals, reknitting itself back together.

This ability for the crystal to heal itself in this way is especially energetically helpful for those who have suffered from abuse, particularly psychological abuse experienced in childhood. Faden Quartz helps to bind and heal holes in the aura as a result of trauma from life’s experiences like these, strengthening a person’s boundaries.

Expanded to a more global scale, FADEN QUARTZ can help healers identify where energies are leaking out in the client or situation, as patching these holes and securing boundaries are an important part of helping energies be integrated in a body or system.

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The unusual shape of these crystals is a result of quartz’s interactions with calcite during its growth. Calcite grows around the quartz, condensing the space the quartz has to grow. Later, the calcite dissolves away, leaving more space for the quartz to continue to develop. Like the tides of the ocean (but on a much slower geologic timescale) this ebb and flow of calcite growing into and dissolving away from the quartz changes the boundaries in which the quartz can grow. Although jagged and interrupted, these quartzes still grow, determined to manifest themselves physically regardless of circumstances.

These crystals are ultra powerful resonators of tenacity and persistence.

It’s very interesting that these crystals’ growth has been altered by their dance with calcite, for calcite is the crystal that is about reformatting skewed energetic beliefs. Alone, calcite supports helping one dump old concepts that are no longer useful. But in its interaction with quartz, calcite becomes both a challenger and unexpected ally, by resonating with energy that helps one to continually reevaluate and clarify one’s beliefs.

If you feel like the push and pull of circumstances in your life has made it difficult to work toward your goals, then consider working with this crystal. This quartz will remind you that no matter what obstacle or challenge you encounter, the energetic blueprint of what you are moving toward can not be erased, no matter the circumstances.  

This is a very resonant crystal for these times as the world cycles through what seems like constant setbacks. These crystals will keep moving forward into being, no matter what the circumstances. There is a very hopeful and optimistic energy to their tenaciousness.  

This is a great crystal to inspire you to keep going and not give up your dreams. Work with it for yourself, or work with its energy to help groups overcome discouraging challenges and obstacles.

These crystals are ultra powerful resonators of tenacity and persistence.

It’s very interesting that these crystals’ growth has been altered by their dance with calcite, for calcite is the crystal that is about reformatting skewed energetic beliefs. Alone, calcite supports helping one dump old concepts that are no longer useful. But in its interaction with quartz, calcite becomes both a challenger and unexpected ally, by resonating with energy that helps one to continually reevaluate and clarify one’s beliefs.

If you feel like the push and pull of circumstances in your life has made it difficult to work toward your goals, then consider working with this crystal. This quartz will remind you that no matter what obstacle or challenge you encounter, the energetic blueprint of what you are moving toward can not be erased, no matter the circumstances.  

This is a very resonant crystal for these times as the world cycles through what seems like constant setbacks. These crystals will keep moving forward into being, no matter what the circumstances. There is a very hopeful and optimistic energy to their tenaciousness.  

This is a great crystal to inspire you to keep going and not give up your dreams. Work with it for yourself, or work with its energy to help groups overcome discouraging challenges and obstacles.

Over the course of our lives, ideas and concepts are collected to construct a belief system that we use to guide ourselves. If fear or logic alone is used to determine which concepts we believe in, then unhealthy ideas devoid of emotional or spiritual balance are inadvertently added to our belief system. This causes a distorted perspective that is then implemented and acted upon, with unsatisfying results.

Enter calcite who is all about reformatting energy, especially around ideas and concepts. While one may have an accurate general understanding about a topic, it’s the details that get skewed. Calcite is the perfect crystal to support dumping old, unhelpful concepts and bringing in new, helpful ones. Rhomboid calcite comes in a variety of colors, but the white ones resonate particularly with reevaluating any beliefs of the crown chakra.

So if all the turmoil of the past years has caused you to question the purpose of your work and why you are doing it, then consider working with this crystal. This shape will help give you a fresh perspective that can reinvigorate you with optimism.

As said previously, calcite resonates with reformatting energy. These conically shaped rods are another expression that is more “directed” than other calcites.

You can use them in the same manner as quartz points, directing them to or from another crystal to create a compounded energy. For example, you could use pair these calcite points with rose quartz to help you reformat your understanding about love. Or you could pair them with pyrite to help you reformat your understanding of manifestation. Also, because they are more “pointed” than the many of other forms of calcite, they are ideal for use in crystal grids for moving energy in a specific directional way, toward or from a particular crystal.

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These precious little stones are full of character! They so very much want to help soothe you and teach you how to be patient with time.

The “snakeskin” texture is a result of polishing down the stone so that the contrast between their glossy and matte patterns can be revealed. These undulating agate crystals support you in bringing you peace to the events that are happening around you, letting you know that all things can be resolved in time.

Thus if you have been feeling anxious because the constant barrage of world events, this is a stone you can work with to help you feel at peace and cultivate a space where the feeling of hope can revive and flourish.  

A great rock to use as a worry stone, it also makes a great sleeping stone to promote more relaxed and restful sleep.


If I could only give you only one piece of advice about working with crystals, it would be to WORK WITH HEMATITE!

Remember that hematite will intensify the power of any crystal you work with bystrengthening your grounding energies, helping you to have a foundationwith greater balance and support while working with energies of othercrystals. Hematite’s grounding energy is especially useful when workingwith crown chakra stones as it allows for greater volume of Divine Lightenergy to come through without unbalancing the seeker.

Thereare certainly other crystals that are more visually intriguing, buthematite has serious crystal healing benefits (as I’ve explainedthoroughly in the book ”The Crystal Workshop”) and will help you in multitudinous ways.

Ifyou are working with crown chakra crystals but not working withhematite, you are short-changing yourself!!! Once you work withhematite, you’ll wonder what you ever did without it!

Of all the types of hematite available to work with, this is my favorite. It has the most all-purpose, use-it-for-everything energy of the entire hematite family.

If you don’t have hematite yet, I strongly, strongly suggest getting one of these. Working with this one stone will vastly improve the healing results you will get with all your crystals.

I know that for some of you hematite just doesn’t seem that compelling of a crystal. It’s not nearly as “pretty” as others, and the properties of other stones can seem so much more relevant in your life. But hematite is truly an essential crystal, and there are tons of benefits form working with this profoundly healing stone.

If you know you need to work with hematite, but shy away from the botryoidal form, try working with “SPARKLY” HEMATITE. This version has a silvery glittery countenance that can be perceived as more “fun” than botryoidal hematite. It will help you get more comfortable with hematite energy and give you a chance to experience how much it helps you by finally working with it.

These hematites are great for using as coasters and charging your glass of water with its energy. While you still want to work with a hematite specimen in a non-slab form, SPECULAR HEMATITES are a wonderful added support to increase the foundation of your grounding.

I find hematite so useful at work that I keep both a hematite specimen and a coaster sized SPECULAR HEMATITE slab on my desk to charge my glass of water.

The larger slabs that are available can also be used as altar stones or bases for crystal grids.

Sale Off
1: Very clear upright cluster with a number of points. $800
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2: 2.75 x 4.13 x 1.37 inches - 314 g  - $1000. Very substantial piece.
Sale Off
2: Clear seam line. Very clear and flat tabular specimen. $300