• Crystals for Better Sleep

    Crystals for Better Sleep

    One of the most healing things we can do for ourselves is sleep. Not only does it rejuvenate our physical body, it allows the thinking mind to take a break and rest. This then allows our consciousness more freedom to be more conscious of the other dimensions it exists in. Both on a physical and spiritual level, sleep is integral to our health, and we can support the healing we get from it through the energetic help of crystals.

    The above photo is of the crystals I keep in my bedroom-- the crystals I sleep with the most. (Notice how they are all black grounding stones!) Though each one is amazing and helpful, I don’t sleep with them all at the same time. Instead, I most often choose a single crystal to work with depending on the texture of support I most need. That way the healing energy is undiluted or mixed up with other energies, and I am better able to see how the crystal affects my sleep. This provides a more personal experience with my stone, and also helps me better understand what is happening within my energies.

    I have found the following crystals to be the most helpful for sleeping both for myself and others. Read the descriptions to find out why...


    The stone for deeper rest. The best stone for bringing me deeper into my body since it is the ultimate grounding crystal. If I find myself quite awake at bedtime, I find that hematite is the ideal stone for grounding and dissipating these active waking energies that are incongruent to sleep.


    If I’m experiencing turbulent dreams, I’ll sleep with black tourmaline. I’ll also sleep with it if I’m currently in a situation that I would like to resolve in a smoother way. Since black tourmaline is a wonderful stone for shifting disparate energies into a balanced state, it can also help you balance the energies of any interactions you might be involved in by leveling out and unbalanced energies you are contributing to the situation. Thus this makes black tourmaline a great crystal to work with whenever you are trying to figure out a solution to a problem. Because it’s strength is in balancing polarities, it can help you discover the solution that is most balanced and holistic-- and all while you sleep.


    If I find myself still continuing to feel the energetic effects of a tough day, I’ll sleep with shungite. Shungite absorptive qualities “vacuum up” unnecessary excess energies. Thus, if you have had a particularly energetic day, it will help filter out the leftover emotional “buzz” so that your mind and body can better relax into a good night’s rest.


    I’m very fond of anthracite’s “anti-static” quality, for it works well to “defuzz” the mind. So for someone like me whose brain tends to be particularly active, I find that anthracite helps me slow, soften, and wind my mind down to a quieter state-- which then helps me to fall asleep, and then stay asleep.


    Though these four grounding crystals promote better sleep, the ideal crystal to sleep with on a given night depends on what specific nuance of energy you need help grounding. Then there is the actual act of sleeping with a crystal. How I then sleep with a particular crystal depends on where my energies need to be settled, and the type of stone I’m working with.

    If the energy I’m trying to settle is around my mind, I’ll keep my selected crystal by my head. If I am working with a crystal because I want support figuring out a current issue or problem, I’ll usually fall asleep holding the crystals in my hands. If I need help grounding my physical body, I’ll sleep with the crystal in between my legs, near my root chakra.

    But where a crystal is placed also has a lot to do with what type of crystal it is. For instance, tumbled stones are usually sturdy, so if they fall off the bed onto the floor, there’s usually no problems with it breaking. Thus, tumbled stones are great to putting underneath your pillow or in your actual pillowcase. Likewise, if your crystal is large and sturdy, it can be put into bed with you too. But if your crystal is fragile, it’s not a good idea to sleep with it. Instead, it’s best to put the crystal nearby you, like on your bedstand, in order to have the energies of the stone closely interacting with you while you sleep. (But remember, always keep electronics far from your bed. Electronics generate EMF’s that disrupt yours sleep and will interfere with the crystal’s healing energies.)

    I normally sleep with one stone at a time, though on occasions I sleep with two. If it’s two, it’s usually some crystal in conjunction with hematite. This is because no matter what I’m going through, I most often will need more connection with my root chakra to Mother Earth to help me ground energies and pull me deeper into my body. After all, sleeping is literally laying yourself down on Mother Earth to rest your body and regenerate yourself while you soak up the healing energy Mother Earth gives to you. And the ultimate stone to help you do this is hematite.

    Also important to know: With these particular aforementioned crystals, bigger is better. Though this is not always the case with most crystals, it is with these grounding stones. So if you are choosing a stone to use for sleeping, get the biggest one you can. It will make a difference energetically.

    SPECIAL NOTE: I also recommend working with flower essences for sleeping! Flora-Sleep is an amazing flower essence formula to help unwind you into sleep. One person I recommended it to said that using it felt like someone was turning down the volume in their brain until they suddenly found themselves asleep. For me, I use often when I wake up in the middle of the night busy with thoughts and want to make it easier for me to go back to sleep. Crystals do set the tone for the kind of healing I want to experience that night. But the Flora-Sleep flower formula definitely helps to settle my mind quickly. It’s so useful that I also keep this flower essence in my room next to my sleeping crystals.

    SPECIAL NOTE: I also recommend working with flower essences for sleeping! FLORA-SLEEP flower essence is an amazing formula to help unwind you into sleep. One person I recommended it to said that using it felt like someone was turning down the volume in their brain until they suddenly found themselves asleep. For me, I use often when I wake up in the middle of the night busy with thoughts and want to make it easier for me to go back to sleep. Crystals do set the tone for the kind of healing I want to experience that night. But the Flora-Sleep flower formula definitely helps to settle my mind quickly. It’s so useful that I also keep this flower essence in my room next to my sleeping crystals.


    Remember to experiment with your crystals! Try sleeping with it by your head one night, and then in between your legs the next. You can experience how the energy changes when you shift from one position to another which will give you insight on how it best works with your energies.

    And always remember to cleanse your crystals, especially if you’re working with the same stone on multiple nights, and/or if you are experiencing particularly turbulent energy. Grounding crystals tend to work very hard, so if your crystal doesn’t seem to be working, it may simply need to be cleansed. So for your maximum benefit, help the crystals help you by keeping them regularly cleansed.

    As always...

    Crystal Blessings,

    *For more information about the methods that are best to cleanse your crystals, along with additional deeper insight into the wonders of hematite, read my book The Crystal Workshop for more helpful information.